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Meet the Clarksburg SGA

Clarksburg High School has an SGA which is very active in its community. In order to learn more about the Clarksburg SGA, MCR turned to Jared Lee, the SGA President at Clarksburg.

Jared is a senior at Clarksburg and has been involved in his community for three years. Jared says, “I got involved in SGA after realizing I wanted to be a future leader for our county and inspire kids like myself.”

An advocate for change, Jared has coordinated several important projects at Clarksburg High School during his term. Jared organized homecoming and put forth several pep rallies.

He also led an initiative called Wellness Week, which is set to take place in April. During Wellness Week, students across the school are informed about various mental illnesses and how to seek help.

Jared states, “My goal for this week is to break the stigma that people with mental illness face everyday. If we can help educate students about these illnesses, we are only taking a step forward.”

Jared is not the only person involved in student leadership at Clarksburg. Along with the schoolwide SGA, Clarksburg has a student council for each grade. The freshman class put together an event called Breakfast with Santa during the holiday season, bringing together the community over breakfast.

Additionally the Clarksburg SGA has two members on the MCR Executive Board. At the moment, student leaders at Clarksburg are in the midst of planning prom, which will be on May 12th.

What distinguishes Clarksburg SGA from many SGAs across Montgomery County is the diverse body of students who have become involved in student leadership. Working together and pushing forth new ideas, the Clarksburg SGA has brought new programs to the table, planning events never seen before in the school and community. Members of the SGA have pushed to increase school spirit and unite the Clarksburg community.

A proud Jared Lee states, “In my three years at Clarksburg, we have built a group that is fearless and works extremely hard to change the atmosphere of the school every year. I can see the SGA continuing on that path by making sure that every student feels that Clarksburg is a welcoming, safe, and academically challenging atmosphere.”

If your school is interested in being spotlighted on the MCR website, please contact or direct specific inquiries to PR Deputy Ronak Tallur (

Written by Ronak Tallur

Photo By Amanda Chu

Published by PR Department

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