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MCR Officer Elections at the April General Assembly

After a year of hard work and progress, the 2017-2018 MCR year is coming to a close, but with every end comes a new beginning as the new officer leadership team is elected. The final MCR General Assembly was hosted by Churchill High School School on on April 18th and was the election general assembly. MCR has four elected officer positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and secretary, each integral to MCR’s success and organization.

After a performance and welcomings by Churchill High School SGA Advisor and President, the officer election process began. First were the candidates for secretary who gave their speeches and then answered questions in a Q&A session. This year, there were four different secretary candidates and each answered questions about their plans, how they will work with certain MCR departments, and other issues related to their role as Secretary. After the secretary candidates were Treasurer speech and Q&A. The seven candidates proceeded to discuss issues including fundraisers and the Grant Program. Following Treasurer was Vice President, and the candidates explained their stances on representation and outreach. President was the final position for speeches and Q&A and the three candidates explained their platforms.

After all the candidates gave their speeches and partook in a Q&A session, delegates attending the GA began voting. Each high school was given a certain number of votes and the executive board members also were given a vote.

Congratulations to the 2018-2019 officer team:

President- Nate Tinbite, Grade 10 at Kennedy High School

Vice President- Pranav Tadikonda, Grade 10 at Richard Montgomery High School

Treasurer- Safwan Masood, Grade 11 at Paint Branch High School

Secretary- Isabelle Young, Grade 10 at Richard Montgomery High School

After elections, the General Assembly closed with End of the Year reports from the MCR officers and advisor. The adjournment of the April General Assembly officially closed the last general assembly of the school year, and while it is sad to see the seniors the 2017-2018 officer team leave, they did a great job and the next team will continue MCR’s past work and advocacy. The next General Assembly will be in the 2018-2019 school year and to stay informed on news, follow MCR social media and read more at

Written by Amanda Chu

Photo Courtesy of MCPS

Published by PR Department

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