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Wootton HS SGA Spotlight 2019

Wootton High School, known to be one of Montgomery County’s most outstanding, schools, also is directed by a successful student government association. MCR took a glimpse into Wootton’s SGA by interviewing their SGA co-president, Liam Hall. Hall, a senior at Wootton, has been involved in SGA for two years and says he loves the community Wootton offers.

Hall stated, “I think being a part of any school’s SGA opens door to affect the school community. For me, I’ve definitely enjoyed playing a part in all that goes on at Wootton behind the scenes, and the potential to do that was very attractive to me when I was applying.”

As the year has progressed, Hall and his fellow members of the student government have been involved with SGA to make Wootton the best it can be through a student perspective. Wootton High School participated in leading one of the most important issues schools to face very often. “Our long term focus this year is overall wellness,” Hall responded.

Hall described Wootton’s school wide Wellness Day as a project prominently made for the purpose of spreading the word about personal wellness. “We organized Wootton’s first Wellness Day, a non-instructional half day in November,” Hall continued. The student government is also in the works of planning their SGA Spring Project, a full week of campaigning and increasing the awareness of personal wellness.

Hall describes their SGA’s election process as very similar to the day of SMOB voting. “If there are more than three people running for any position, we hold primaries in homeroom one or two weeks beforehand to narrow the field to three candidates,” Hall explained. Like at other schools, students are able to vote on Chromebooks, allowing the process to work efficiently.

Hall explained that the diversity of Wootton exemplifies the effort that the schools put to make the SGA an accurate representation of Wootton's eclectic student population.

What makes Wootton’s SGA unique from other SGAs in the county? Hall replied, “We have a class period dedicated for SGA, and have 32 SGA members in total, making us one of the largest SGA’s in the county.” In addition, Hall responded, “I think that our constant desire to find a better way to do things has been our best quality.” Wootton’s SGA is proudly representing the diversity, efforts, and persistence in everything they have done for their school community, beginning with their Wellness Day.

Wootton student leaders like Liam Hall have been working hard to exemplify the differences their SGA has made to their community. If your school SGA is interested in being featured on MCR’s website, please contact or PR Department Directors Emily Tian and Matt Kolodner.

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