MCR Advance Recap
Not only does an organization need to be cohesive and qualified in order to work effectively, but it’s members need to be comfortable and know each other on a personal level to be an efficient force such as MCR. In order to do so, the MCR and MCJC Executive Boards met on September 27-28 for the annual MCR Advance retreat, where members got to bond and have fun with their fellow peers and officers.
The event started off with outdoor icebreakers and games, where Executive Board members got to mingle and become acquainted with one another. They enjoyed the beautiful weather and scenery of the Lathrop E. Smith Environmental Center, and followed up the activities with dinner.
Dinner was followed by our second Executive Board meeting of the year, where updates were provided by our officers, as well as a presentation from Strong Schools Maryland, encouraging Executive Board members to become involved with the organization. Maryland schools are now only 26th in our nation, and Strong Schools Maryland works to influence policy and legislation, such as the Kirwan commission (which is working to study the current needs of students in Maryland), to ensure better learning in our schools. Executive Board departments also talked with each other about goals and ideas for the rest of the year.
The night continued with ice cream and games, until members returned to their cabins or went home and rejoined the event the next morning. Following breakfast, members engaged in a series of workshops relating to their departments, such as outreach, advocacy, and more, that will be useful and of help throughout this term.
The annual MCR Advance Retreat was ended with the traditional capture the flag game between MCR and MCJC. MCR prevailed once again, ending the weekend on a good note.