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Graphic Design Workshop Recap

On the evening of August 15th, MCR members, students, and educators alike gathered to attend the MCR Graphic Design workshop. MCR is an association committed to advocating for the students of MCPS, and MCR President and workshop leader, Layna Teitelbaum, emphasized the unique connection between graphic design and advocacy. Together, Teitelbaum and PR Media Director, Abby Matson, led the workshop that left the 45+ participants with knowledge of key elements of effective graphics, tips, and guidance through the navigation of various design platforms.

Following the pattern of the others, the workshop began with introductions and an overview of MCR. Attendants were informed on the importance of graphic design as a means of promotion and influence, some were surprised to learn that it is one of the most environmentally-friendly options as well. They were then given suggestions of platforms to use for graphic design (including Canva and Photoshop) as well as the pros and cons of each.

This led to a design activity where participants were challenged to create a graphic on Canva (which was identified before as best for beginners) in five minutes. The atmosphere of the workshop was friendly and encouraging and left participants feeling comforted in sharing their designs.

Next, the presenters reviewed the five key elements of graphic design - color scheme, providing info, clear and to the point, professionalism, and keeping it creative or “spicy”- with varied strategies of explanation and tips to keep interested. One element, providing info, was explained through “Do’s and Don'ts” while professionalism used examples. All of the tips were demonstrated on Canva, which was very helpful for unfamiliar viewers.

Then followed “Graphic Judgements” an engaging activity where participants rated Teitelbaum’s past graphic designs. Participants left comments pointing out flaws or strengths of each example, and Matson and Teitelbaum highlighted particular points and laughed over more humorous ones. The wide variety of opinions even led to some particularly interesting debates including one over dark vs light mode on Instagram and the controversy of font, Comic Sans.

In the final stage of the event, participants were given time to “Recap” on their graphics from before. Almost everyone had changes to make- based on the information and examples they had seen. When it was time to share out, many noted that their changes were guided by the elements.

In the end, participants came out of the workshop with more knowledge on how to advocate and promote through graphic design. Matson did note that the workshop did not “dive that deep into how to use different platforms” and that “PR will likely put out a couple of video tutorials” which will ”be accessible for everyone on the website.”

Overall, the MCR Workshops were all successful in achieving their respective goals and as MCR President, Teilelbaum explained that she was, “So happy to see that continue with the Graphic Design Workshop.” The workshops have been an opportunity to enhance new knowledge and share similar interests.

Written by Norah D'Cruze

Published by PR Department

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