MCR Advance Recap

On August 3rd, 2023, the MCR-SGA hosted its annual Advance at the Lathrop E. Smith Environmental Education Center in Rockville, along with MCJC, Montgomery County Junior Councils, MCR’s middle school counterpart. The event served as an introductory and collaborative MCR/MCJC experience for the new school year. The joint Advance began at around 9:05 AM.
Following a cheerful welcome, complete with raffle announcements from the MCR and MCJC officers, the advance began with an introduction to Parliamentary Procedure and Mock debate practice. Serving as a way for new executive board members to understand Parli-Pro terminology and the process of an agenda, the instructional period had a great balance between collaborative communication and individual engagement.
Shortly after came the Big/Little Sibling event, which introduced a rookie to a veteran MCR member. Each pair socialized for about 15 minutes, exchanging contact information at the end to stay in touch through the year.
Finishing off the pre-lunch activities was the long-standing tradition of the MCR vs. MCJC Capture the Flag game. Filled with dazzling chases and impressive flag takeaways, the first game of Capture the Flag resulted in a MCR win. MCJC was, unfortunately, unable to redeem themselves due to the second game ending in a tie but this year marks the first time MCJC has been able to tie MCR!
The first post-lunch activity was going through MCR's old business, which consisted of voting on the implementation of the MCR President's Council: a council bringing SGA Presidents from around Montgomery County into one collective group where they share ideas and practices while working with the MCR advisor. This ultimately passed and then the MCR members began to review and approve the MCR Constitution.
This process starts by having executive board members pass each article and section of the constitution unanimously. To amend the MCR constitution, executive board members will introduce amendments, and debates about the amendments will follow. To pass, amendments must receive a ⅔ majority vote from the executive board.
Concluding the Advance was constitutional ratification, which was originally supposed to end at 1:30 but extended to 2:50 PM due to the number of amendments and friendly debates. Due to ratification taking precedence, Department Breakouts & Jeopardy were canceled, and as the day came to a close, other proposed amendments were tabled. However, the MCR Executive Board was able to pass many resolutions and amendments, including the MCR-SGA President's Council, an amendment enabling financial aid for school dues, an amendment changing SEC appointment protocols, and an amendment stating that the executive board will strive to have at least two members representing each school.
The MCR/MCJC Advance was a successful kickoff to a bright, upcoming school year for MCR executive board members.
Written by Mooti Chimdi
Published by the MCR-SGA Communications Department